CARRIE MINIKEL I THIS / by Margaret Hernandez


The Hill Street Country Club presents recent works

by Carrie Minikel

What does this experience offer to your artistic career?

This opportunity allowed me to work on a larger scale than I normally do, and take a risk using unfamiliar methods.

THIS will be An Exhibition focus on Carrie Minikel’s acceptance of mortality.

What inspires your work?

I’m fascinated by how we aren’t our bodies but our bodies are ours. How they are expressions of us, tools, a medium through which we experience the world and often a large part of our identities. We are also trapped in them and increasingly limited by them as we age. As I watch my daughter grow, and my parents age, I am increasingly aware of my own mortality - it is becoming a palpable presence. This piece is about sitting with the solidity and gravity of that in a physical form, and on some level, accepting it. This truth we share in common is a great perpective-giver. It is larger than me, too big and unwieldy for me to control and somehow beautiful.