About the social - summer camp

The Social SEL summer camp: an educational and safe space for Pre-Teen and Teenage students/youth to collaborate artistically and emotionally in the community with teaching artists and professional mentors from Hill Street Country Club and Licensed and Board Certified Behavior Analysts,  Ronnie Brooks.

The program  provides opportunities for students to engage in active listening and social emotional learning through therapeutic components of camp, with behavioral health providers. Youth participants will be introduced to local artists, who utilize wellness as a part of their personal practice, and our guest speakers will provide examples in real-time of how our community can practice self-expression as a vehicle for emotional and behavioral wellbeing. 

The mission of The Social summer program is to provide emotional and artistic tools to further integrate into students academic,  personal and social lives. To cultivate environments where students will organically build upon self-management, problem solving, relationship and social, cultural, and community awareness skills.

Community Engagement Activities

The programming will take place at Jefferson Middle School in Oceanside, California, with integrated community field trips relating to the arts, environment and social settings. Transportation will be provided by Oceanside Unified School district by bus to the following to community sites:

  • Museum of Contemporary Art La Jolla (MCASD):  700 Prospect St, La Jolla, CA 92037

  • Parks/Beach Cleanup Scripps:  Beach 8650 Kennel Way, La Jolla, CA 92037

  • DAV Veterans Thrift Store -  1624 S Coast Hwy, Oceanside, CA 92054

  • Hill Street Country Club Gallery - 

  • Community Roots Farm - 4510 N River Rd #5116, Oceanside, CA 92057


The Social’s month-long summer camp breaks down into two, 2 week courses, supporting two separate cohorts throughout the day. Our camp will provide ten day programming dedicated to building effective communication and critical-thinking skills, and reflection through social emotional learning curriculum, communal, interconnected arts practices and mindful discussion. 

Cohort 1:  June 21 - Jul 1, 2022

  • AM Session 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

  • PM Session 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm 

Cohort 2: July 5 - Jul 15, 2022

  • AM Session 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

  • PM Session 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm 

Who can participate?

Any students currently enrolled Jefferson Middle school can become a part of The Social: SEL Summer camp for FREE.