GROUP SHOW I REMEDIO CASERO / by Margaret Hernandez


The Hill Street Country Club presents recent works

by a Group of Selected Artists

Why did you all choose ‘Remedio Casero’ as the title?

‘Remedio Casero’, or Holistic Remedies, was chosen as the title of our show as it encompasses the artist’s use of photography as a holistic remedy which uplifts our intimate representations of our identity, culture, and family life. ‘Remedio Casero’ was borrowed from the title of our cover photo by Jezabeth Roca, one of our participating artists.

Featured Photographers (in no particular order):

・William Camargo: @billythecamera
・Jezabeth Roca Gonzalez: @el_archipelago
・Beto Soto: @betosotophoto
・Angelica Grijalva: @divinefrequenciez
・Magdalena Ramirez Cerda: @fulanita.d.talecita
・Ricky Gutierrez: @guttypuma
・Juan Charlie Beaz: @juancabeaz
・Javier Arreguin: @javier.anticuado
・Lissa Corona
・Isabel Pichardo

Curated by: @av_alejandro
Flyer design: @juancabeaz
Organized by: @strawb.unny