
Modern Day Resistance_FINAL_12x18_017_Web.jpg
Modern Day Resistance_FINAL_12x18_017_Web.jpg


from $50.00

January 17, 2012

Washington Monument, Washington D.C.

This photo is just a decisive moment captured at the Washington Monument in D.C as a part of the Occupy movement. It’s kind of ambiguous but still has an emotive feeling to it. What’s more interesting is how I got to Washington DC..

Occupy San Diego organized a 3-day coast to coast Greyhound bus ride to congress. Along the way other city’s occupiers joined us, As well as just greeted us along our journey. However on our stop in Amarillo Texas we ran into an impasse. We were kicked off our bus by the greyhound bus driver for our protest signs but tried staying on and demanding him to us to our destination.

We were held on the bus confined until the police came. Unfortunately, greyhound drivers have the right to kick anybody off the bus who they so choose, ultimately giving them the full right and last say. So we ended up getting kicked off the bus and had to wait 2 full days because it was Martin Luther King day weekend.

But as you know, occupy runs quite deep and it ran deep at that moment when people started tweeting out distress signals, including the CEO of Greyhound getting doxxed, etc. By the end of the night, Greyhound sent us our own bus and drove all 12-15 of us to Washington DC, straight shot. We were covered by Rachel Maddow, featured on Keith Oberman, and our donations went from two dollars a day to about $13 a day each.

Once in Washington DC, we camped out for six nights in Obama’s backyard, protesting the supreme court for the two-year anniversary of Citizens United, protested Congress and their piss poor approval rating, and occupied the mayor’s meeting.

Being in Washington DC was quite a surreal experience. For one there’s the history of the location. But the struggle, the money, the politicians, the corruption, all while sitting in this big lawn manicured with marble monuments - it was a beautiful mind fuck.

8” x 12” - $50.00 (edition of 25)

12” x 18” -$100.00 (edition of 25)

16” x 24”$150.00 (edition of 10)

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